"Supporters of the tollway plan pointed out that about 270,000 probable voters in this area have already cast something of a ballot for the four existing tollways that opened in the past 10 months by signing up for electronic toll tags."
How about that? You bought a TxTAG and you just voted to turn Existing Freeways into Tollways.
But all is fine, there'll still be free frontage roads!
"Most of the new tollways will overlay existing roads (though there would be free frontage roads alongside with at least as many free lanes as currently exist)." Frontage roads with intersections and stop lights do not equal free highways.
Hundreds of anti-toll speakers locked out of last nights meeting.
Read a report and view photos
FOX 7 News Report (video)

I refuse to buy one of these scammy toll tags. It's a joke. But it gets worse. I live not too far off 183 and regularly take the Avery Ranch Blvd exit, just before the toll stations.. turns out that their pathetic little 'last free exit' sign means that if you take the next two exits, which are located *before* the toll station, they take a picture of your car, wait a couple of months and send you a collections notice. The cost? Fifty cents per violation, along with a $25 administrative fee, per occurance. Having had no idea this was happening, I now have 9 instances to pay for, and it will take them a couple of more months to send the rest of the violations to me. I called their (ironically) toll free phone number and spoke to a representative who is getting hammered every day with calls just like mine. These guys have set up a sting operation.. they nab unsuspecting motorists who get caught between the advertised last free exit and the following two that LOOK free and then they try to coerce you into buying a toll tag with the idea in mind that they'll wave half the fees once you do. Talk about a scam. I REFUSE to buy a toll tag. And I'm not going to pay their fees or fines either. I'm heading into their offices today to let them know exactly what I think about this complete scam operation they have going on. And I plan to give them hell.
I live in Avery Ranch and also take this exit off 183A, several times per week.
While I do believe properly planned and managed toll roads can serve an important function (getting a needed road financed, but only until the tolls PAY OFF the bill), I am not a supporter of the central Texas version of toll roads, and do frequently go out of my way to avoid the tolls. While I do this with some level of principle, I don't believe in "cutting off my nose to spite my face." I use toll tags to save myself 10% and time avoiding the cash lanes; doing differently would only serve to hurt myself.
While I don’t agree with the method 183A uses to “force” drivers to use toll tags by not installing cash lanes, I can’t agree with Lindy’s apparent surprise when the violation notices started to arrive. First, Lindy is using the internet to post a comment to a TX toll tag blog. No argument will convince me that Lindy didn’t have the informational tools necessary to understand full well what the toll plans were for 183A. Second, extensive signage which all 183 drivers have seen daily for several months have made it abundantly clear that the Lakeline Mall Dr. exit is the LAST FREE EXIT. Third, the next 2 exits mentioned, Lakeline Blvd. and Avery Ranch, are very clearly AFTER the obnoxiously obvious toll cameras above the roadway that every driver who passes the 20-40 eye test can tell is taking a flash photograph of your vehicle as you pass by.
Many of us disagree with the current toll road plans for central Texas, myself included. Many of us have various methods of expressing our feelings – community meetings, not registering for a toll tag, not taking the tool roads, taking the toll roads as infrequently as possible, and of course, blatantly violating the rules of the toll roads. Lindy has chosen the last and riskiest method, and is now upset with the consequences. You took a chance and now want to blame the system for your poor decision. Be an adult, pay your fines, and then choose one of the other methods of expressing your feelings against the tool roads.
Good luck!
183-A is a bad setup and they want to force people to get a txtag.
Drivers who receive a toll violation notice will be required to pay the toll plus a $5.00
administrative fee. First time offenders can have the $5.00 fee waived if they sign up for a TxTag
account. If a driver does not respond to the notice, the administrative fee will increase to $25.00 and
the case will be referred to a collection agency. If the collection agency is unable to recover the
money, the case may be referred to the court system and a sworn complaint issued. Under Texas
law, a person who fails to pay a toll can be convicted of a misdemeanor and fined up to $250 per
This and more information can be found here:
Please let us know how it turns out. Thanks
I drive through the tolls without a toll tag to use pay by mail. I got my first bill for $1.90 no problem to my current address and mailed a check. Then the second bill came to my last address, not my current address. The post office put a forwarding sticker on it and I got it. $2.80. I mailed a check. My wife just got a collection letter out of the blue for $178. They had tacked $25 "administrative fees" for not responding to the first letters which we never received. I called furious and let them know they'd have to take us to court to collect and had no intentions of paying any administrative fees. She said hold on hold on, and wanted to talk to my wife. They were asking her about adresses, and she pointed out that she updated her drivers license long ago and her title/tax office address is correct. They gave her some number to call to update her address "somewhere else."
Complete scam. Fraud.
I have had a toll tag for 2 years. I stopped the automatic bank draft because they were taking to much money our of my account and changed it to pay by mail. I did not receive a bill for over a month, I use the toll daily because it saves me ALOT of gas so I knew I had a balance. I called their office and they stated they had sent out several statments. They resent them, each one fromthe previous month where I switched had $25.00 fee attached, I have a balance of 1500. This is completely obsurd I refuse to pay and will continue to drive on the tollways. I have called them numerous time and will continue to pay toos I use currently but no those from then. With the economy the way it is ait should be illegal to charge to drive on a road we paid for with our taxes already! Not to mention you can not get on Mopac going sout from Louis Henna unless you use the toll.
I'm in the U.S. Army and I have had to go pick some of my soldiers up from leave in Austin before we go to Iraq. I had no Idea what Texas is doing with Tolls (I'm from Georgia) so when I went up to the toll booth, every single lane was closed except for 'Wide Load Only' and 'TxTag' or some crap like that. I don't have a plate on the front since GA doesn't require it so i don't know how they're gonna handle it, but this whole thing is complete crap. We're at war, our economy is going to crap, and they are worried about new toll roads? Give me a break!
This system is a complete joke. I own a company and bought four trucks back in 2007 when economy was GOOD! (unlike today) All for family members to drive and to help my business & help them out with transportation.
Each one had toll tags from the get go and every toll was getting paid. SO I THOUGHT. One of my family members ran the tolls without paying up on the tag account.. Racking up the bill to 15,000.00 Ya.. 15K!!! 13,000.00 or 14,000,00 of it was 25.00 admin fees... They really need to change their policy.. The tag on the truck clearly showed their name not mine.
Since, their account wasn't paid the bill automatically goes to the owner of vehicle! GO FIGURE (ME) for tolls not even ran by me. Complete scam.. Who ever voted for this will soon learn that they hate it more than ever. They offered me a settlement. 50% off... 7500.00 Yea lemme withdraw that right quick! come one really!
Now i gotta pay this???? Wow!
Anyone else have this happen to them????? there has to be a way out of this B/S mess.
My daughter just found out she has a $7000 bill and she has a toll tag! Apparently it was not reading properly and they did not have her license plate on file (the website says this is optional). The original toll was $240. If you have to pay this kind of fines should the license plate be mandatory! There is no way she can pay this..any advice?
Try to work it out directly with them first. Document every interaction you have with them as best as you can in writing. If all fails, $7000 is enough to think about hiring an attorney. You may also consider going to local news, like 7 On Your Side to get your story out there. Contacting your local Gov reps such as Mayor, Congress and Sen. could also help you. If your story is true, $7000 is indeed an amazing error. Hope it works out for you.
If you are facing a Violation Notice, Last Chance to Pay Letter, or a Summons requesting you to appear in court to defend yourself against CRIMINAL CHARGES for Toll Road Violations, DO NOT HESITATE TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY!
Some of the fees and fines associated with these Violations CAN BE FOUGHT. Don’t risk paying the Toll Authorities more than you legally owe.
I'm willing to take these cases to jury trial for around $500, if not less. I will also handle the case at an earlier stage for a much reduced price.
Lindsey Simmons – Attorney at Law – Austin, TX
I have had a toll tag for 1 years. I Agree with this tag is very good and most of safe of my time. HF Tag, LF Tag
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