Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Austin's angry rude drivers

Is it just me or are people in Austin driving worse? I've been here since 1994 and people used to have common courtesy. There is a real attitude of "screw you, it's all about me."

I spend about 1.5 hrs a day on Austin roads and not a day goes by that I don't see near-wrecks because people do not let merging traffic into a lane. People speed up behind and cut you off when you are exiting, even though you were in front of them with your blinker on.

People will try to exit at the last minute, often without blinkers, and cut through several lanes of traffic where the gaps between cars are barely big enough to squeeze into.

I'll be doing 75 in a 65 and some nut will get on my rear bumper like I'm driving 10 below posted!

I've passed two vehicles were I thought the one in back was being towed, but as I pass I see they are just tailgating with only 2 feet between them!

If I leave a gap of 10 feet between my car and the one in front of me going 70, you can guarantee a moron will cut in and force me to hit my breaks.

I think driving here is getting worse. It's like a bunch a caged rats fighting with no regard for others.

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